Saturday, July 19, 2008

live green

1. Don't drive over 60km/h, it saves fuel and your money too.

2. Go dig in your closet, someone's trash maybe other's treasure. Maybe you'll find some old treasure yourself.

3. Switch to everything e, emails, e-shopping, e-newspaper, e-banking. Save paper. Save the world.

4. Start recycling cans and bottles, metal are getting expensive, maybe you can make an extra dime from it.

5. Kill the plastic bags. Bring a big spacey hand bag and throw a chick shopping bag in your car.

6. Go vegetarian, eat food from lower food chain. It saves the resources and some fat on your thigh, belly and butt.

7. Keep the old paper bags. Whatever they are for.

8. Don't make up if you don't have to, it's a waste of time, resource, water, tissue and it ruins your skin which leads you to using more make-ups and more waste. Trust me, nobody will look pretty when earth is simply ugly.

9. Trust in God, He puts you in position to take care of his creations. Exercise your authorities now.

10. Read my blog, it's more interesting than crappy magazines and save paper.

11. Forget to bring tissue out once in a while, you might not need them anyway.

12. Scoff at people who are killing the environment, they might be ashamed for once.

13. Skip the receipt, you're just gonna throw it away anyway.

14. Hug a tree, just because you can.

15. Don't wrap your books with plastic sheets, they are bound to get yellowish and fall apart anyway. Just do your part to keep it clean.

16. Recycle those batteries, old computers and electronics. It matters.

17. Plant a tree, or a plant. Put it in your toilet, mine cheers me up in the morning.

18. Turn down that air-con, it's about time we acknowledge that we live in a tropical country and no air-cons can cool this place down.

19. Make your home comfy, so you won't have a reason to go all the way out for a good environment and use up some fuel and cough up for pricey coffee.

20. Rewear your pajamas. They are clean.



PianoBoy said...

I can accept all what you have said, except dun use plastic to wrap the book and REWEAR my pajamas.

Francis Foo said...

hmm....i met all of those criteria...i'm so green..i love green too.


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