Sunday, July 8, 2007

I have A God

I have a God...
He saw me through the years.
He watched me fell, stood up, and stumbled again, until He couldn't stand the heartache and took the falls for me.
He watched my tears, always in the nights when I'm tired and sad. He couldn't stand the pain and took the pain for me.
He saw through my life, when I was in a mess and when I was doing better than I should. He felt the confusion and aimlessness, until He came down and shined His light on me.
He was there when I lost my balance, giving up. He couldn't let me go and reached out to hold my hands.

I have a God...
He is as loving as a father, as caring as a mother, as funny as a brother, as close as a sister. He alone can become my only family.
He is like the sunshine, wherever He goes, perfection follows. He alone can bring me all the joy and made me smile in the mist of the busied people around me.
He is like the music, the spontaniously graceful. He made me sing in the quietness, dance in the wind, shout to the sky. He is so freely beautiful.
He is always there... When you know He is, life couldn't get any better... The best dreams, perfect background music, with all the flowers and blue sky bluer than any that you've ever seen.

Life is simply perfect when You are there. I have a God, He is the God.


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